Ma Crush Monday: Caitlin Vodopals of Saving Grace

We're crushing on California beauty, Caitlin Vodopals of Saving Grace . The mother of two girls, and Owner/Founder/Designer of the eco-friendly nursing covers talks about spending time with her brood and being an entrepreneur. 

It's a dreamy little life Caitlin has created for her family. She resides in Petaluma, a small town outside of San Francisco, with her two tots and surfer husband. She started her brand, Saving Grace when she saw the need first-hand for nursing covers that were both versatile and beautifully made. She certainly did just that (and even Vogue agrees!). She's wildly busy, but still manages to inspire a strong sense of California-calm in her kids. She took a moment to chat with us and answer #thesamethreequestions.

1.PS: Tell us a bit what's behind your children's names:

Remi Helen, almost 3

C: My husband and I liked Remy before we knew if we were having a boy or girl. Once we found out we were having a girl, we stuck to Remi. Helen is after my grandmother on my mom's side-born and raised in Texas- She was beautiful and kind. She babysat my older brothers and I on the weekends and we would drive to her house in her old maroon Mercedes past the iconic Flamingo Hotel in Santa Rosa, CA. I'm the only one in the family who got her green eyes (which always made me feel special) and she taught me how to say my prayers, give myself mani-pedis, appreciate Patsy Cline and Willie Nelson, and how to take bubble baths and apply powders and lotions after. She was a real woman. My husband's great Aunt on his Dad's side was also named Helen (she is Latvian). She was a very lovely yet strict woman who my husband took care of until the day she died. 

Georgi Lee, almost 3 months

C: Georgi is named after a sweet 90-year old lady from Boston, who my husband worked with. When I met her, I told her I loved her name and if we ever had another girl, we would name her after her (we never really imagined having another girl at the time). Lee is my mom's middle name. It comes from a long chain of women with the same name on the maternal side of my family in Texas. My mom is Nancy Lee, and now we have Georgi Lee. 


2.PS: Can you share a few of your Motherhood Favorites? 

C: For Stuff, Obviously, my Saving Grace. I have had lots of poolside enjoyment thanks to my Saving Grace. For her first two months,  I had Georgi strapped into her Ergo/Baby Bjorn and let her sleep on my chest, while I had my hands free. The Saving Grace covered her, kept her warm, dimmed the outdoor light, and let her snooze on me while I enjoyed the days of summer by the water or out and about with Remi. The adjustable neckline with boning made it easy for me to make sure her head was always positioned and that she was breathing properly and happily. It was truly a Saving Grace. I enjoyed summer, while having skin to skin contact with my newborn while she slept soundly. 

A bowl of beauty. Organic, global fabrics as pictured on the Saving Grace Instagram feed. 

A bowl of beauty. Organic, global fabrics as pictured on the Saving Grace Instagram feed. 

                                                  A page from the Saving Grace Lookbook

                                                  A page from the Saving Grace Lookbook

For local activities,  Redwood Empire Gymnastics - Little Bugs program is great for toddlers in Petaluma, CA.

Francis Ford Coppola Winery and Pool- Surprisingly, this place is very kid friendly. Great place to bring your kids and have lunch and swim. A beautiful place and backdrop! 

                                                          Remi in the vineyards

                                                          Remi in the vineyards

3. PS: Would you mind sharing a SCRIBBLE? (a doodle, a recipe, a poem- anything!) 

                                    Remi's doodle atop a Saving Grace fabric

                                    Remi's doodle atop a Saving Grace fabric

                                     Caitlin, Remi Helen, and Georgi Lee

                                     Caitlin, Remi Helen, and Georgi Lee

For more information and products,  visit Saving Grace here