Ma Crush Monday: Eliza Gran: Pom-pom Icon
If you're anything like us (and most of our friends), we can't get enough of Eliza Gran baskets. The cheerful bohemian accents are the perfect solve for all our elegant messes- stylishly hiding cluttered magazines, kids toys, potted plants, and other flotsam jetsam. There is brilliance in a multifunctional design. We were thrilled the Venice, California designer herself (and mother of 3!) took a minute to answer #thesamethreequestions.
The former New York fashion designer and illustrator made the jump out west a few years ago. She packed her Brooklyn family and reemerged in Venice with an invigorating take on color and texture in the housewares space. Her baskets (and sometimes hats and accessories) are nearing iconic bohemian staples. We find her rediscovery and successful juggling act quite inspiring, especially with three teenage kids! Meet her beautiful family below.
1.PS: Tell us a bit what's behind your children's names:
Violet Phillips | 16
EG: I've always had a love of fruity, flowery, colorful names. some other options were Dahlia, Plum, Olive, and Iris. No middle name because I don't have one! Violet is still mad about that.
Ruby Phillips | 14
Same story as above!
Charles Wolf Phillips| 11
For number three, I decided to go with a family name, and there are a few Charlies on both sides. Wolf is my father's middle name, and I actually call my son "Wolfie," but everyone else calls him Charlie.
2.PS: Can you share a few of your local Motherhood Favorites?
EG: We live on a canal and are two minutes from the beach, and we really use them! The kids go on boat rides, they paddle board, and they jump off the canal bridges with their friends like maniacs. I'm on the beach just about every day, even if I just run down with the dog for a minute, or if we all go for a walk at sunset...the best is during a storm, watching the huge waves.
3.PS: What commonalities of Motherhood do you reject, and on the you have any guilty pleasures?
EG: When my kids were little, I completely rejected the over-scheduling that was rampant among their peers. I'm a Waldorf parent and I really believe in letting kids have plenty of downtime and finding their own interests and passions, instead of forcing them into an endless routine of after school instrument/soccer/ballet lessons.
My guilty pleasure is really expensive tequila. that's it.
PS: Would you mind sharing a SCRIBBLE? (a doodle, a recipe, a poem- anything!)